saas.unbound is a podcast for and about founders who are working on scaling inspiring products that people love, brought to you by, a serial acquirer of B2B SaaS companies.

In episode #36, Anna Nadeina talks with Alina, Co-founder & co-Ceo of Chili Piper, the all-in-one Demand Conversion Platform.

Alina’s Background: The Foundation of a Visionary Leader

Alina Vandenberghe’s journey to entrepreneurship is rooted in her experiences as an employee. She faced significant challenges in traditional office environments, often feeling stifled by the rigid structures and uninspiring settings. This dissatisfaction sparked her desire to create a company that prioritizes remote work and innovative software solutions.

Her background in engineering provided her with the skills to solve complex problems, but it was her vision for a more engaging workplace that truly set her apart. Alina aimed to create software that not only served its purpose but also brought joy to its users, a stark contrast to the often dreary world of enterprise software.

Building a Brand Through Culture and Customer Experience

Alina believes that a brand is intrinsically linked to its culture. At Chili Piper, every interaction with customers is designed to evoke positive emotions. This philosophy informs their approach to customer success, sales, and marketing. Alina emphasizes that happy employees lead to happy customers, creating a cycle of positivity that enhances brand reputation.

  • Transparent communication fosters trust.
  • Empowerment leads to better decision-making.
  • A positive culture enhances customer interactions.
  • Employee satisfaction directly impacts brand perception.

Resilience and Shared Responsibilities

One of the most significant challenges Alina faced was during the layoffs in 2021. This period was marked by emotional turmoil as she grappled with the impact of her decisions on her employees and their families. Alina’s transition from a contributor to a protector was profound, as she realized the weight of her responsibilities as a leader.

To foster resilience within the company, Alina advocates for shared responsibilities. By creating systems that distribute accountability, she aims to prevent the burden from falling solely on one individual. This approach not only alleviates pressure but also empowers team members to take ownership of their roles.

Navigating Layoffs and Hardship

The decision to lay off employees is never easy, but Alina approached it with a focus on empathy and understanding. She recognized that employees are not just numbers; they are individuals with families and responsibilities. This perspective shaped her approach to communication during difficult times.

In the aftermath of the layoffs, Chili Piper adopted a more mindful hiring strategy. They now take a careful approach to recruitment, ensuring that each new hire aligns with the company’s values and growth objectives. This deliberate pace allows for a more sustainable growth trajectory.

Innovation Through Experimentation in Marketing

Alina’s marketing strategy is rooted in experimentation rather than rigid budgets. By reserving a portion of their marketing efforts for exploratory initiatives, Chili Piper is able to adapt to emerging trends and opportunities. This flexibility allows them to pivot quickly and respond to market changes effectively.

  • Prioritize flexibility over fixed budgets.
  • Experimentation encourages innovation.
  • Historical data informs but does not dictate decisions.
  • Collaboration with influencers can amplify reach.

Redefining Leadership and CEO Roles

In a departure from traditional hierarchical structures, Alina refers to herself as a “Guide Executive Officer” instead of a CEO. This title reflects her belief in shared leadership and collaborative decision-making. By positioning herself as a guide, she fosters an environment where all team members feel empowered to contribute their ideas and insights.

This shift in perspective has led to a more inclusive culture at Chili Piper, where every voice matters. Alina’s approach encourages employees to take initiative and share their expertise, ultimately leading to better outcomes for the company.

Empowering Female Founders and Overcoming Self-Doubt

Alina’s journey as a female founder has not been without its challenges. She acknowledges the societal pressures that often deter women from pursuing leadership roles in business. However, she encourages women to embrace their voices and share their experiences, as this can lead to personal and professional growth.

One of the key lessons Alina has learned is the importance of surrounding herself with supportive peers. By engaging in CEO groups and seeking feedback from trusted advisors, she has been able to confront her self-doubt and develop a more confident leadership style.

Celebrating Wins and Learning from Failures

At Chili Piper, celebrating successes is as important as learning from failures. Alina believes that acknowledging achievements, no matter how small fosters a positive culture and motivates employees to strive for excellence. This practice of celebration encourages a growth mindset, where setbacks are viewed as opportunities for learning.

  • Recognize and celebrate achievements.
  • Embrace failures as learning opportunities.
  • Foster a growth mindset within the team.
  • Encourage open discussions about challenges.

The Power of Putting Thoughts in Writing

Alina emphasizes the importance of clear communication, particularly through written documentation. By articulating challenges and solutions in writing, she has found that ideas become clearer, and teams can collaborate more effectively. This practice not only aids in problem-solving but also ensures that everyone’s input is valued and considered.

Utilizing frameworks such as Nonviolent Communication, Alina has developed a method for expressing thoughts and requests that minimize misunderstandings. This skill has proven invaluable in fostering a collaborative and respectful workplace.


Head of Growth,