saas.unbound is a podcast for and about founders who are working on scaling inspiring products that people love, brought to you by . I’m your host Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth for

In this #26 we talk with Alex David, Co-Founder of Corrily (, a monetization growth engine that provides a suite of tools to help subscription companies increase conversions and revenue while reducing churn.

Balancing Customer Needs and Product Vision

As a SaaS company, striking the right balance between customer needs and product vision is a delicate dance. Alex emphasizes the importance of actively engaging with customers to understand their pain points and preferences. “It’s not just about what we think the customer wants, but what the customer actually wants,” he explains. By fostering open communication and collaboration, SaaS companies can better align their pricing strategies with the evolving needs of their customer base.

Corrily’s approach to this challenge is multifaceted. They prioritize gathering customer feedback, analyzing data, and continuously refining their pricing models to ensure they are meeting the evolving needs of their clients. This customer-centric mindset is a driving force behind Corrily’s success in helping SaaS companies optimize their pricing and monetization strategies.


AI Monetization in SaaS

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has introduced a new layer of complexity to the SaaS pricing landscape. Alex shares his insights on the unique challenges faced by AI-powered SaaS companies. “With AI, the pricing challenge becomes even more nuanced,” he explains. “It’s not just about the features and functionality, but also the value AI brings to the customer.”

Corrily’s approach to AI monetization emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making. By analyzing usage patterns, customer feedback, and the tangible benefits of AI, Corrily helps SaaS companies develop pricing strategies that accurately reflect the value their products provide.

Alex cautions against the temptation to simply “charge more” for AI-powered features, emphasizing the need for a thoughtful and strategic approach. “It’s not just about slapping a higher price tag on it,” he says. “It’s about understanding the true value that the AI brings to the customer and pricing accordingly.”


Monetization Strategies and Bootstrapping vs. Raising Venture Capital

When it comes to monetization strategies, SaaS companies have a range of options to consider, from bootstrapping to venture capital funding. Alex talks about the nuances of these different approaches, highlighting the unique challenges and opportunities each presents.

Bootstrapped SaaS companies, he notes, often have a more intimate understanding of their customer’s needs and can be more agile in their pricing strategies. “When you’re bootstrapped, you’re really in tune with your customers,” Alex explains. “You can be more nimble and responsive to their changing needs.”

Venture-backed SaaS companies, on the other hand, may have access to more resources and a larger customer base, but they also face the pressure of meeting growth targets and investor expectations. Alex emphasizes the importance of striking a balance between the two, leveraging the advantages of each approach to create a sustainable and scalable monetization strategy.


Benefits of Remote and Hybrid Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards remote and hybrid work models, and Alex shares his insights on the benefits this has brought to Corrily and the broader SaaS industry. “Remote and hybrid work has allowed us to tap into a much larger talent pool,” he explains. “We’re not limited by geographic boundaries, which has been a game-changer for us.”

Beyond the talent acquisition advantages, Alex also highlights the positive impact on work-life balance and employee well-being. “Our team has been able to achieve a better work-life integration, which has led to increased productivity and job satisfaction,” he says. “This, in turn, has a direct impact on our ability to serve our customers effectively.”


Pricing Hacks and Future Plans

As Corrily continues to evolve and expand its offerings, Alex shares some of the “pricing hacks” that have proven effective for their SaaS clients. These include leveraging data-driven insights, experimenting with different pricing models, and continuously optimizing the customer experience.

Looking ahead, Alex is excited about Corrily’s future plans to further enhance its monetization growth engine. “We’re constantly exploring new ways to help SaaS companies unlock their full revenue potential,” he says. “Whether it’s through advanced analytics, personalized pricing strategies, or innovative subscription models, our goal is to empower our clients to thrive in the ever-changing SaaS landscape.”

Head of Growth,