saas.unbound is a podcast for and about founders who are working on scaling inspiring products that people love, brought to you by . I’m your host Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth for

In episode #25 we talk with Emmet Gibney, CEO of Rewardful (, is an all-in-one SaaS affiliate and referral tracking software. Rewardful is one of family brands.

Challenges and Growth of an Entrepreneur

Emmet’s entrepreneurial journey has been marked by both challenges and triumphs. As he shares his experiences, we gain valuable insights into the mindset and strategies required to navigate the ups and downs of building a successful SaaS business. From the initial struggles to the eventual acquisition and integration into the family, Emmet’s story is a reminder of the resilience and adaptability needed to thrive in the dynamic world of entrepreneurship.

Understanding and Optimizing Affiliate Marketing

At the heart of Rewardful’s success lies Emmet’s deep understanding of the intricacies of affiliate marketing. He talks about the importance of customer-centric strategies, personal connection, and the invaluable role of education and coaching in customer retention. By sharing his expertise, Emmet sheds light on the key factors that contribute to the growth and optimization of successful affiliate programs, particularly within the SaaS industry.

The Power of Personalized Relationships

Emmet emphasizes the significance of fostering personal connections with affiliates and customers. He highlights the importance of understanding their unique needs, challenges, and goals and tailoring support and resources accordingly. This customer-centric approach has been instrumental in Rewardful’s ability to build a loyal and engaged user base, ultimately driving long-term success.

The Value of Education and Coaching

Emmet underscores the transformative impact of providing comprehensive education and coaching to affiliates and customers. By equipping them with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of affiliate marketing, Rewardful has empowered its users to maximize the potential of their programs. This focus on education has not only improved customer satisfaction but has also contributed to the overall growth and sustainability of the Rewardful platform.

The Human Element in a Tech-Driven World

Emmet’s insights highlight the delicate balance between embracing technological advancements and preserving the personal connections that are fundamental to successful business relationships. He underscores the need for leaders to cultivate empathy, communication, and a deep understanding of their customers and teams, even as they navigate the transformative power of emerging technologies.

Building Affiliate Programs and Leadership Skills

Emmet’s expertise in affiliate marketing extends beyond the technical aspects of the Rewardful platform. He delves into the critical leadership skills required to build and manage successful affiliate programs, sharing valuable lessons and strategies that can be applied across various industries.

Fostering a Collaborative and Supportive Environment

Emmet emphasizes the importance of fostering a collaborative and supportive environment within the affiliate program. By cultivating a sense of community and mutual support among affiliates, he has been able to drive engagement, loyalty, and ultimately, the growth of the Rewardful ecosystem.

Adaptability and Continuous Improvement

Emmet’s leadership approach is about commitment to adaptability and continuous improvement. He recognizes the dynamic nature of the affiliate marketing landscape and the need to constantly evolve and refine strategies to meet the changing needs of affiliates and customers. This agile mindset has been instrumental in Rewardful’s ability to maintain a competitive edge and stay at the forefront of the industry.

“The key to building a successful affiliate program is to truly understand your affiliates and customers, and to provide them with the resources, support, and personalized guidance they need to thrive.”

Emmet Gibney, CEO of Rewardful


Head of Growth,