saas.unbound is a podcast for and about founders who are working on scaling inspiring products that people love, brought to you by . I’m your host Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth for

In episode #24 we talk with Guillaume Moubeche, Founder and CEO of lemlist (,, the first email personalization solution that automatically generates personalized images and videos for email marketing campaigns.

The Birth of lemlist

The journey of building a successful SaaS company is often paved with challenges, pivots, and perseverance. 

Guillaume’s entrepreneurial journey began with a failed t-shirt business, a common starting point for many aspiring founders. However, this initial setback did not deter him from pursuing his dreams. Instead, it ignited a fire within him to explore new opportunities and find a path to success.


Bootstrapping the Beginnings of lemlist

Determined to turn his entrepreneurial aspirations into reality, Guillaume set out to bootstrap the beginnings of lemlist. It was born out of Guillaume’s desire to create a solution that would help businesses stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

With a keen eye for innovation and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by marketers, Guillaume meticulously crafted lemlist, investing time and resources into building a product that would truly resonate with its target audience. This unwavering commitment to delivering value to his customers would become a hallmark of Guillaume’s leadership and a key driver of lemlist’s success.


Investing in People: The Backbone of Growth

As lemlist gained traction and started to scale, Guillaume recognized the vital importance of investing in his team. He understood that the people behind the scenes were the lifeblood of the company, and their growth and development were essential to the organization’s long-term success.

Guillaume’s approach to building a high-performing team was multifaceted. He actively sought out talented individuals who shared his vision and passion for the product, and he provided them with the resources, support, and opportunities to thrive. This investment in people not only fostered a sense of ownership and commitment within the team but also enabled lemlist to adapt and innovate at a rapid pace.


Navigating Challenges and Celebrating Wins

The journey of building a SaaS company is not without its challenges, and Guillaume and his team at lemlist have faced their fair share. From navigating the complexities of scaling a business to managing the delicate balance between work and personal life, Guillaume has had to draw upon his resilience, problem-solving skills, and unwavering determination.

However, amidst the challenges, Guillaume and his team have celebrated numerous wins. The achievement of reaching over $24 million in ARR is a testament to their hard work, strategic decision-making, and the value they have brought to their customers. These milestones serve as a source of inspiration, not only for Guillaume but for the entire lemlist team, fueling their continued drive to push the boundaries of what’s possible.


Embracing Transparency and Looking Ahead

Transparency and honesty have been cornerstones of Guillaume’s leadership at lemlist. He understands that open communication and a willingness to share both the successes and challenges of the business are essential for building trust and fostering a collaborative environment.

As lemlist looks to the future, Guillaume is excited about the company’s continued growth and the opportunities that lie ahead. With a strong foundation in place, a talented team, and a commitment to innovation, lemlist is poised to reach new heights and solidify its position as a leading player in the market.

Head of Growth,