saas.unbound is a podcast for and about founders who are working on scaling inspiring products that people love brought to you by . I’m your host Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth for

In episode 21, we talk with Mike Perham, founder and CEO at Sidekiq (, a full-featured background processing framework for Ruby.

Exploring Sidekiq

Sidekiq is a powerful open-source framework that enables developers to build and scale Ruby applications. It works by creating background jobs to process data and distributing them across multiple machines, allowing applications to handle heavy workloads efficiently. With Mike, we’ve explored the story behind Sidekiq and how he has successfully bootstrapped the project to $7 million in revenue.


Building Dependable Software, Monetizing an Open-Source Project

Mike has a deep understanding of the importance of building dependable software. He explains that Sidekiq was born out of the need to solve a common problem faced by Ruby developers: how to handle background processing tasks in a scalable and reliable way. By creating Sidekiq, Mike aimed to provide a robust solution that would enable developers to build more resilient and scalable applications.

One of the key decisions Mike made was to open source Sidekiq. This allowed the project to gain traction and attract a community of contributors, who helped to improve and expand the framework. However, Mike also recognized the need to monetize the project in order to sustain its development and growth. He adopted an “open-core” model, where the core Sidekiq functionality is available for free, while premium features and support are offered as a commercial product.


The Synergy Between Open-Source and Commercial Offerings

The synergy between Sidekiq’s open-source and commercial offerings has been a critical factor in the project’s success. The open-source version provides a solid foundation for developers to build upon, while the commercial product offers advanced features, professional support, and enterprise-level capabilities. This approach has allowed Sidekiq to attract a large user base, while also generating revenue to sustain and expand the project.

Mike explains that the open-source community has been instrumental in the ongoing development of Sidekiq. Contributions from developers around the world have helped to improve the framework, fix bugs, and add new features. This collaborative effort has not only strengthened Sidekiq’s technical capabilities but also fostered a sense of ownership and investment in the community.


Pricing and Monetization Strategies

When it comes to pricing and monetization, Mike has taken a thoughtful and strategic approach. He has carefully considered the value that Sidekiq provides to users and has structured the pricing in a way that aligns with the project’s growth and sustainability. The commercial product offers a range of subscription tiers, catering to the needs of individual developers, small businesses, and enterprise-level organizations.

Mike emphasizes the importance of finding the right balance between the free open-source version and the commercial offering. He has worked to ensure that the core functionality of Sidekiq remains accessible to all users, while the premium features and support provide tangible value for those who are willing to pay. This approach has helped to build trust and loyalty within the Sidekiq community, as users see the project as a reliable and sustainable solution.


Building and Sustaining a Business

Bootstrapping a successful SaaS business is no easy feat, but Mike Perham has navigated the challenges with skill and determination. He has focused on building a dependable product, fostering a vibrant open-source community, and developing a sustainable business model.


The Power of an Open-Source Community

The open-source nature of Sidekiq has been a crucial factor in its growth and sustainability. By inviting developers to contribute to the project, Mike has tapped into a vast pool of talent and expertise. This collaborative approach has not only improved the technical capabilities of Sidekiq but has also fostered a sense of ownership and investment in the community.

The open-source community has also played a vital role in promoting and evangelizing Sidekiq. As developers have discovered the benefits of the framework, they have shared their experiences and recommendations with their peers, further expanding Sidekiq’s reach and user base.


Developing a Sustainable Business Model

By offering a range of subscription tiers and premium features, Mike has created a sustainable business model that aligns with the needs of Sidekiq’s users. This approach has allowed the project to generate revenue while maintaining its core commitment to the open-source community.

Mike has also been strategic in his pricing and packaging decisions, ensuring that the commercial offerings provide tangible value to users while keeping the core functionality accessible to all. This balance has been crucial in building trust and loyalty within the Sidekiq community, as users see the project as a reliable and sustainable solution.


Lessons Learned From a Solo Entrepreneur

Mike Perham’s journey as a solo entrepreneur behind Sidekiq offers valuable lessons for aspiring founders and developers. He has demonstrated the power of perseverance, the importance of community-building, and the benefits of a well-executed business strategy.


The Importance of Perseverance

Building a successful SaaS business is not an easy task, and Mike has faced his fair share of challenges along the way. However, his unwavering dedication and commitment to Sidekiq have been instrumental in the project’s growth and success. Despite setbacks and obstacles, Mike has remained focused on delivering a high-quality product and building a sustainable business.


The Benefits of a Well-Executed Business Strategy

Mike’s approach to pricing and monetization has been a key factor in Sidekiq’s success. By striking the right balance between the free open-source version and the commercial offering, he has created a sustainable business model that aligns with the needs of his users. This well-executed strategy has allowed Sidekiq to generate revenue while maintaining its commitment to the open-source community. 


SaaS Products and Business Growth Focus

As Sidekiq continues to grow and evolve, Mike Perham is focused on expanding the project’s reach and capabilities. He is committed to delivering high-quality SaaS products that address the needs of developers and businesses, while also maintaining Sidekiq’s position as a leading open-source solution. 

One of Mike’s key priorities is to continue investing in the development of Sidekiq, ensuring that it remains a reliable and cutting-edge tool for developers. He is also exploring opportunities to expand the project’s offerings, potentially adding new features or integrating with complementary technologies to provide a more comprehensive solution for his users.

In terms of business growth, Mike is focused on scaling Sidekiq’s commercial offerings and expanding its customer base. He is exploring new pricing models, marketing strategies, and sales channels to reach a wider audience and drive revenue growth. At the same time, he remains committed to maintaining the project’s open-source roots and fostering a vibrant community of contributors and users.

As Mike looks to the future, he is confident that Sidekiq’s combination of technical excellence, community-driven development, and sustainable business model will continue to propel the project forward. By staying true to his vision and adapting to the evolving needs of the market, Mike is poised to further solidify Sidekiq’s position as a leading SaaS solution in the Ruby ecosystem.

Head of Growth,