saas.unbound is a podcast for and about founders who are working on scaling inspiring products that people love brought to you by . I’m your host Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth for

In episode #1, we are talking with Peter Leonard, the founder of MyWorks ( ), an automation tool syncing your data between WooCommerce and QuickBooks.


When Peter Leonard, the founder of MyWorks Software, joined forces with, it marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter. MyWorks, an automation tool that syncs data between WooCommerce and QuickBooks, had been steadily growing, but Peter knew that to take the product to the next level, he needed additional resources and expertise. The decision to join proved to be a game-changer, unlocking opportunities for growth and innovation that had previously been out of reach.


Navigating the Post-Acquisition Process

The transition from a small, independent startup to being part of a larger organization was not without its surprises. Peter admits that the initial plan was for him to stay on board for a transition period and then step back, but as he engaged more with the’s team, the allure of continuing to work on the product he was passionate about became increasingly compelling.

The key to successful integration, according to Peter, was the wealth of knowledge and support provided by the’s central team. Rather than feeling like he was reporting to a corporate structure, Peter found that the collaboration with the team allowed him to focus more on the aspects of the business he enjoyed the most – product development and working with his team.


Prioritizing Customer Feedback and Pricing Strategy

At the heart of MyWorks’ success is its commitment to customer feedback. Peter and his team closely monitor user requests, carefully balancing the quantity and urgency of the feedback with the value it holds for their paying customers. This approach has enabled them to prioritize features and updates that truly move the needle for their user base.

As MyWorks prepares to launch its Shopify integration and roll out a pricing update, Peter and his team have taken a thoughtful and strategic approach. They recognize the importance of maintaining a balance between providing value to their long-standing customers and ensuring that the pricing reflects the true worth of the product. By grandfathering existing customers and carefully considering the impact on their user base, MyWorks aims to navigate this transition in a way that strengthens their relationship with their loyal community.


Embracing the Collaborative Advantages of

One of the most significant benefits of joining, according to Peter, has been the ability to leverage the collective knowledge and resources of the central team. Whether it’s seeking marketing insights, product feedback, or financial planning guidance, the MyWorks team has found immense value in collaborating with their counterparts.

This collaborative approach has not only boosted their confidence in their decision-making but has also allowed them to explore new avenues for growth that they may not have considered on their own. The cross-pollination of ideas and best practices across the saas.groupportfolio has been a game-changer, enabling MyWorks to accelerate its product roadmap and enhance its marketing strategies.


Maintaining Remote Team Dynamics and Work-Life Balance

From the outset, MyWorks has been a fully remote team, and this has been a core part of their culture and work philosophy. As the company has grown, both within its own team and as part of the larger ecosystem, Peter has remained committed to preserving the flexibility and work-life balance that has been a hallmark of the MyWorks experience.

By encouraging their team to prioritize their personal well-being, while also fostering a collaborative and accountable remote work environment, MyWorks has been able to maintain a high level of productivity and morale. This approach has been further reinforced by the culture, which aligns closely with MyWorks’ values and has helped to create a seamless integration for the team.


Transitioning to a New Role

As MyWorks has grown and evolved within the portfolio, Peter has found himself transitioning into a new role that allows him to focus more on the aspects of the business he is most passionate about – product development and working with his team. By leveraging the resources and expertise of the central team, Peter has been able to step back from some of the administrative and financial responsibilities, freeing up his time to drive the product forward and continue building on the success of MyWorks.

Overall, Peter’s journey with MyWorks and has been a testament to the power of collaboration, strategic decision-making, and a relentless focus on customer needs. By embracing the opportunities presented by the acquisition, MyWorks has been able to accelerate its growth, enhance its product offerings, and solidify its position as a leading integration solution in the e-commerce and accounting space.

Head of Growth,