saas.unbound is a podcast for and about founders who are working on scaling inspiring products that people love, brought to you by, a serial acquirer of B2B SaaS companies.

In episode #48, Anna Nadeina talks with Lisa, CEO of zenloop, a Customer Experience Action Management Platform, and one of the brands acquired last year.

Background and Joining

Lisa Rentrop’s journey to becoming the CEO of Zenloop is rooted in her rich and varied background. Originally from Sweden, she has spent the past 20 years in Hamburg, Germany. With a foundation in chemical engineering, Lisa transitioned into the tech industry, where she honed her skills in product development and team building.

Before joining Zenloop, Lisa co-founded a startup that focused on the food industry, which laid the groundwork for her entrepreneurial spirit. Despite the challenges of starting a business, she found the experience exhilarating and rewarding. This journey ultimately led her to, a serial acquirer of B2B SaaS companies. Through networking, she learned about the opportunity at Zenloop and was excited to apply for the role of CEO.

Understanding Zenloop

Zenloop is a leading customer experience management platform designed to help businesses listen to their customers and act on their feedback. It allows companies to gather insights into customer sentiment, enabling them to enhance their customer journeys effectively. Lisa’s deep understanding of customer experience and her passion for creating customer-centric products made her a perfect fit for leading Zenloop.

Transitioning to a Leaner Team and Rebuilding Trust

Following its acquisition, Zenloop faced significant changes. Lisa emphasized the importance of rebuilding trust within the team and establishing a clear vision for the future. By focusing on team-building activities and fostering an environment of transparency, Lisa aimed to create a culture of collaboration and innovation.

Despite the initial challenges, Lisa successfully navigated the transition by prioritizing open communication and actively engaging with her team. She understood that regaining the trust of both the team and customers was essential for the company’s success. By involving the team in decision-making processes and encouraging their input, she was able to create a sense of ownership and commitment among team members.

Growth Strategy: Meeting Customers Where They Are

Lisa’s growth strategy for Zenloop centers around understanding customer needs and adapting to their changing demands. By conducting regular management meetings and engaging with customers directly, she aimed to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement. This customer-centric approach allowed Zenloop to tailor its offerings and ensure that they met the evolving needs of its clients.

Furthermore, Lisa recognized the importance of leveraging existing resources and maintaining a lean team. By focusing on efficiency and agility, Zenloop was able to generate revenue comparable to that of its larger predecessor. This adaptability has been crucial in a market where customer expectations are constantly evolving.

Rolling Out Zenloop 2.0: AI at the Core

One of the most exciting developments under Lisa’s leadership has been the rollout of Zenloop 2.0, which places AI at the core of its operations. This new version enhances the way customer feedback is collected, processed, and utilized to drive insights. By integrating AI into the platform, Zenloop aims to provide its customers with more accurate and actionable insights, ultimately improving their overall experience.

The launch of Zenloop 2.0 has been met with enthusiasm from both existing customers and prospects. Lisa and her team have been proactive in demonstrating the capabilities of the new platform, ensuring that customers are excited about the enhancements and what they can achieve with Zenloop’s solutions.

Customer Success as a Revenue Driver

Lisa firmly believes that customer success should be viewed as a revenue driver rather than a cost center. By demonstrating the tangible benefits of investing in customer experience, she aims to shift the perception of customer success within organizations. Through data-driven insights, Zenloop helps businesses understand the impact of their customer experience initiatives on revenue growth and retention.

Lisa’s commitment to customer success is evident in her approach to building relationships with clients. By prioritizing customer needs and ensuring that they achieve their desired outcomes, Zenloop fosters loyalty and long-term partnerships.

Understanding and Motivating Team Members

As a leader, Lisa understands the importance of recognizing the unique strengths and motivations of her team members. By investing time in understanding each individual’s skills and preferences, she creates an environment where everyone can thrive. This approach not only enhances team dynamics but also drives overall productivity and innovation within Zenloop.

Lisa’s focus on team building and collaboration has been instrumental in driving Zenloop’s success. By fostering a culture of trust and open communication, she empowers her team to contribute their best ideas and efforts toward achieving the company’s goals.

Head of Growth,