saas.unbound is a podcast for and about founders who are working on scaling inspiring products that people love brought to you by . I’m your host Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth for

In episode #20 we talk with Neil Emeigh, Founder and CEO @Sprious (, and building 2 incredible tools: SCRAPING ROBOT (, a powerful web scraping service that provides a range of tools and solutions for extracting data from websites, and Rayobyte (, an award-winning proxy provider committed to reliability and ethics.

From Fiverr to Remote Success

Neil Emeigh’s entrepreneurial journey began when he was just 14 years old. He started out writing articles on Fiverr and getting involved in the world of internet marketing. As he delved deeper into this space, he became fascinated with the power of search engine optimization (SEO) and how it could be used to drive traffic and rankings for affiliate sites. This experience laid the groundwork for Neil’s future ventures in the world of data extraction and proxy services.


AI in Customer Support and Marketing

One of the key differentiators of Neil’s companies, Sprious and its products Scraping Robot and Rayobyte, is their commitment to providing 24/7 customer support with real human agents. In an era where AI and automation are increasingly taking over customer service, Neil believes there is still value in the personal touch and human interaction. While he acknowledges the potential of AI for certain transactional tasks, he remains optimistic that companies can differentiate themselves by offering a more personalized support experience.


SEO and Rebranding Challenges

Neil’s background in SEO has been a significant asset in driving traffic and visibility for his companies. By leveraging his expertise and understanding of how search engines work, he has been able to create content that ranks highly in search results, positioning Sprious as a thought leader in the web scraping and proxy space. However, the company’s rebranding from Blazing SEO to Rayobyte presented its own set of challenges. Navigating the logistical and technical aspects of the rebrand, from updating systems and integrations to communicating the change to customers, required careful planning and project management.


Self-Actualization and Personal Goals

As a solo founder, Neil has placed a strong emphasis on personal growth and self-actualization, both for himself and his team. He has embraced the concept of “what one can be, one must be,” as espoused by psychologist Abraham Maslow. This philosophy encourages individuals to strive to become the best version of themselves, whether that means pursuing a passion for triathlon training or breaking a habit like nail-biting. By fostering an environment that supports personal development, Neil aims to empower his team to reach their full potential.


Leadership Challenges and Business Growth

Leading a remote team and navigating the challenges of rapid business growth have been key focus areas for Neil. He has found the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) to be a valuable resource, providing a confidential forum where he can connect with other founders and share experiences. Additionally, Neil has drawn inspiration from the principles of stoicism, which have helped him maintain perspective and focus on what he can control during periods of uncertainty and rapid change.

Despite the ups and downs of his entrepreneurial journey, Neil has remained committed to building ethical and reliable products that serve the needs of his customers. By fostering a culture of self-actualization, leveraging his expertise in SEO, and navigating the complexities of remote work and business growth, Neil has successfully bootstrapped Sprious and its suite of tools, positioning the company for continued success in the ever-evolving world of web scraping and data extraction.

Head of Growth,