Our Podcast saas.unbound

saas.unbound is a podcast where inspiring founders and experts share their stories of founding and scaling their businesses all the way to success and eternal love from their customers.
At saas.unbound we have casual chats with entrepreneurs who have already walked from 0 to 1, to 10, and sometimes to a life-changing exit.
They share their experiences, actionable insights, and mistakes to avoid.
saas.unbound is hosted by Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth at saas.group.

In this episode #6, we are talking with Geoff Roberts the co-founder of https://www.outseta.com/, discusses their 2-year journey to MVP, partnership with Webflow, and adoption by the no-code community, as well as Outseta's outstanding company culture.
I'm your host Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth for saas.group. In this episode #5, we are talking with Melissa Kwan, the founder of eWebinar ( https://ewebinar.com/ ), an automated webinar platform that combines pre-recorded video with real-time interactions.
saas.unbound is a podcast for and about founders who are working on scaling inspiring products that people love brought to you by https://saas.group/.
I'm your host Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth for saas.group. In this episode #2, we are talking with Kevin Zhou the founder of https://keyword.com/ , a keyword rank tracking and competitor insights tool that became a part of saas.group family in May 2022.
saas.unbound is a podcast for and about founders who are working on scaling inspiring products that people love brought to you by https://saas.group/ . I'm your host Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth for saas.group. In this episode #1, we are talking with Peter Leonard, the founder of MyWorks.
In this episode #3 we are talking with David Smooke, the founder of Hackernoon, one of the leading tech publications on the internet. David shares his vision about the safety of content, the way the internet is developing, keeping a small dedicated team, and growing by its own rules.

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Join us on saas.unbound, the podcast where we delve into the journeys of inspiring founders and experts who have built and scaled their businesses to remarkable success.

As a our guest, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in casual and insightful conversations with our host, Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth at saas.group.

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