Our Podcast saas.unbound

saas.unbound is a podcast where inspiring founders and experts share their stories of founding and scaling their businesses all the way to success and eternal love from their customers.
At saas.unbound we have casual chats with entrepreneurs who have already walked from 0 to 1, to 10, and sometimes to a life-changing exit.
They share their experiences, actionable insights, and mistakes to avoid.
saas.unbound is hosted by Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth at saas.group.

In this episode #17 we talk with Maciej Zawadzinski, co-founder of PiwikPro (https://piwik.pro/), an analytics suite with a focus on user privacy and data security, used in over 1 million websites worldwide, and growing sustainably since 2013 and is now making over $12M ARR.
In this episode #17 we talk with János Moldvay, Co-Founder and CEO of Adtriba (https://www.adtriba.com/), a simple, cross-channel digital marketing management platform based on data-driven attribution modelling.
In this episode #16 we talk with Peep Laja, founder of Wynter (https://wynter.com/), a self-serve B2B messaging and buyer intelligence platform that lets you launch a test in minutes.
In this episode #15, we talks with Joran Hofman, Founder @ Reditus (https://www.getreditus.com/), a Partner Management Tool for B2B SaaS businesses. Get insights into the building of Reditus, starting with an MVP that never launched, and how Joran navigated the chicken-egg story of needing businesses for the affiliates to join and the other way around.
In this episode #14 we are talking with Ryan Singer, the member of the initial 3-people team at 37signals, now author of Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters, and the founder of Felt Presence, helping product teams stop running in circles and regain the thrill of building.
In this episode #13, we are talking with Nicolas Saliba, the founder of Tryane Analytics (https://tryane.com/en/), a cross-channel analytics platform that helps internal communication professionals to be more efficient.
In this episode #1, we are talking with Michael Kamleitner, CEO at Walls.io, an all-in-one social wall solution that allows you to collect, curate, and display content in an easy-to-customize feed. And the Founder at Swat.io, a social media management solution for agencies and enterprise customers.
In this episode #1, we are talking with Peter Leonard, the founder of MyWorks ( https://myworks.software/ ), an automation tool syncing your data between WooCommerce and QuickBooks.
In episode #9, we are talking with Sarah Hum, co-founder @Canny, a user feedback management solution that helps companies collect, prioritize, and track customer feedback.
In this episode #8, we are talking with Charles Miglietti, CEO & Co-Founder - Toucan, a customer-facing analytics platform that empowers organizations to drive engagement with the best end-user experience. Charles is talking about the inspiration behind Toucan and how his passion for data and visualization led to building the company.

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As a our guest, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in casual and insightful conversations with our host, Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth at saas.group.

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